Complete ELL Guide on Past Progressive (Continuous) Tenses
What is the past continuous tense?
The past continuous tense (sometimes called the past progressive) is an English tense that is commonly used to express ongoing actions in the past. The past continuous tense uses the past simple form of to be for a given subject and the present participle of a main verb.

The past continuous tense uses the past simple form of to be for a given subject and the present participle of a main verb.
subject + was + present participle
subject + were + present participle
Past Simple
- I ran on the track.
- She helped the patients.
- We shopped at the mall.
- They played on the playground.
Past Continuous Statements
- I was running on the track.
- She was helping the patients.
- We were shopping at the mall.
- They were playing on the playground.
Can any verb be used in the past continuous tense?
Some verbs are not used (or are not commonly used) in the continuous tenses. Generally, stative or state verbs are not used in this tense. The past continuous tense is mainly used for verbs that express action or dynamic activity.
Past Simple
- John loved his parents.
- John and Alice preferred the pizza parlor.
- I wanted a new car.
- Katie knew the answer.
Past Continuous (Not Recommended)
- John
was lovinghis parents. - They
were preferringthe pizza parlor. - I
was wantinga new car. - She
was knowingthe answer.
What are examples of past continuous negative statements?
Negative statements in the past continuous t tense are formed in the following manner:
Subject + past simple form of to be (was/were) + not + present participle of main verb
Past Continuous Statement
- I was using your pencil.
- You were doing the wrong problem.
- He was working at the store in 1999.
- She was playing in the backyard.
- It was raining at my house.
- We were running late.
- They were planning the birthday party.
Past Continuous Negative Statement
- I was not using your pencil.
- You were not doing the wrong problem.
- He was not working at the store in 1999.
- She was not playing in the backyard.
- It was not raining at my house.
- We were not running late.
- They were not planning the birthday party.
What are examples of past continuous questions?
Past continuous questions are formed in the following manner:
To be (was/were) + subject + present participle of main verb.
Past Continuous Question
- Was I talking too loud?
- Were you practicing your violin?
- Was Teddy working in the garage?
- Was Alison preparing dinner?
- Was it snowing in the mountains?
- Were we going fast enough?
- Were they washing the dishes?
Past Continuous Statement
- Yes, you were talking too loud.
- Yes, I was practicing my violin.
- Yes, he was working in the garage.
- Yes, she was preparing dinner.
- Yes, it was snowing in the mountains.
- Yes, we were going fast enough.
- Yes, they were washing the dishes.
When is the past continuous tense frequently used?
The past continuous tense is frequently used in complex sentences to show the relationship of past actions to other past actions. The subordinating conjunctions when and while are also frequently used in complex sentences because they help express the time relationship between the clauses.
Past Continuous
- I was helping Alison.
- James was reading outside.
- They were working on their homework.
Past Simple
- The accident happened.
- It started to rain.
- Their grandfather arrived.
Complex Sentence
- I was helping Alison when the accident happened.
- James was reading outside when it started to rain.
- They were working on their homework when their grandfather arrived.
Past Continuous
- I was talking to Jennifer.
- We were eating in the kitchen.
- They were cleaning out the garage.
Past Continuous
- You were helping Dan.
- Keith was watching television.
- We were talking.
Complex Sentence
- I was talking to Jennifer while you were helping Dan.
- We were eating in the kitchen while Keith was watching television.
- They were cleaning out the garage while we were talking.
What are good examples of the present continuous tense?
More Examples of Past Continuous Tense
- I was working in the garage.
- He was cleaning his closet.
- We were traveling around the world.
- I wasn’t planning on staying there.
- They were not having a good time.
- I was not doing anything!
- It wasn’t raining earlier today.
- Was it snowing up in the mountains?
- Were the girls playing nicely?